EVENT 3: Final Review Study Guide Me at the review These are the notes I took during the presentation: Best of Event Project: -covered the whole event and added some things related to it -did her own research -label on the photos -descriptive subtitles to photos -related the event to what we learned -this is the first event photo on my phone
-best of Midterm Project: -student came and met with the TA b4 she turned it in -by an engineering student—> incorporated his engineering learning into his project -how do robots and superheroes merge -what is a device that an really save you -focused on what it means to have the design and aesthetics work together Vesna: whatever you do in your life you will need to pitch something to somebody at some point -when you learn how to very quickly explain your pitch people call that an elevator pitch -b/c you meet people who are busy so u need to pitch it in an elevator -learning how to very quickly com...