Event 2

Me with Joteva. I am in the hat and glasses. 

 E. Joteva’s mnemoawari was a very interesting exhibit. Mnemoawari is a three day performance centered around awareness, dreaming, and memory. 

The exhibit was organized into 3 different stages that represented the past, present, and future.

A cryo-sculpture. The ball is frozen and the melted water drips into the hole.

The present was represented by three hanging “cryo-sculptures”. These cryo-sculptures were suspended balls of what appeared to be plants, flowers, and mushrooms. These balls were cryogenically frozen. As they hung, they would slowly melt. As the melted, the interior of the ball would be slowly revealed. The water would drip into a collection area. A loud speaker would project the sound of the water dripping over the whole exhibit. These melting balls represented the present because they were in the process of transformation. They exist in their current state; the present. I asked Joveta what her main messages were from this portion of the exhibit and I found her response very interesting. First, she commented on the idea of when to stop letting the cryo-sculptures melt. She explained that this idea is similar to the relationship of holding onto versus letting something go. She also said that the transformation of the cyro-sculptures represents that things change. She continued by saying that awareness that things change is very important for both personal and societal issues. 
I found the hanging cryo-sculptures very aesthetically pleasing. They were very pretty. I was a little confused on what the heck they represented or meant, but Joteva’s comment about how things change struck a chord with me. I’m not sure if it is because it is my first year of college or just simply growing up, but I found the melting ice balls very personally pleasing. I like the idea that things change, and it isn't a good or a bad thing; it just happens. I believe that it makes things much easier if you understand this, and embrace the changes; for better or for worse.

An image representing the past. Notice how beautiful
it is. It's beauty is why it reminding me of a filter of

The past was represented by three large projections on the walls of the exhibit. Each projection was a compilation of a large amount of photos taken of each sphere after melting. These images were compiled together into a three hundred sixty degree rotating sphere. These projections were very visually appealing. They represented the past because they depicted spheres that had melted in previous exhibitions.
For me, these projections represented the filter of nostalgia we usually use to look at memories. The spheres were beautiful, just like most old memories. Personally, I look at the past with fondness. I have been very fortunate to have had very positive memories. When I think about the past, I usually remember it a little better than it was. Maybe this is why I sometimes have trouble when things change in my life? Maybe it is because I wish I could re-live the past? Who is to say for sure, but this part of the exhibit really made me think. I still don't know much about art, but I would say that if an artist’s work makes you question things about yourself then it is a powerful piece. With that said, I can confidently say that this piece was powerful for me.

Future: The lights represent the brainwaves from
her dreaming roommate. 

Joteva used a projection of a glass of water surrounded by bright beams that circled the rim of the glass to represent the future. While her roommate slept, she placed a glass of frozen water on the bedside table. She monitored the brainwaves of her sleeping roommate. She then took the brainwaves and converted them into a light spectrum. She displayed the light spectrum using LED lights. This piece represents the future because it attempts to display dreams.
This part of the exhibit reminded me of the lectures on Art and Technology. Specifically, it reminded me of Professor Warwick’s work. Warwick worked with the brain to control a robotic hand. He also was able to communicate through brainwaves with his wife. The whole concept of brainwaves is fascinating to me. I think its simply amazing we can measure and use brain waves. Joteva was able to literally quantify brainwaves of somebody dreaming into led lights. That is incredible. This part of the exhibit was cool because it connected what we learned in lecture to the exhibit.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this event. It was very easy to attend and it didn’t overwhelm you. If you went, you really had to ask the artist questions to understand her work. If you took the time to talk to her, the exhibit became really cool. As I mentioned earlier, the ideas she displayed about the past and present had a powerful effect on me. I would recommend going to this event.


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