Week 1 - Two Cultures
In CP Snow’s The Two Cultures; and A Second Look, Snow presents two statements that he believes should hold equal importance: "I know what the Second Law of Thermodynamics is" and "I have read a play of Shakespeare’s”. Although I understand his point of view, I believe that Art and Science cannot shouldn’t exist completely together to form one culture. To achieve the ideal “Third Culture” that Victoria Vesna refers to in her work titled Toward a Third Culture: Being in Between , Art and Science must instead live alongside one an another in a mutually beneficial relationship. This idea draws striking similarities to our current polarized political landscape. I am truly a centrist; believing in right wing fiscal policies and left wing social policies. I believe that my political views are similar to Vesna’s “Third Culture”. With the election of President Trump and the subsequent backlash from the left, it only reinforces the idea of two separated cultures. Ju...
I really like this idea and project. It is very original, well thought out and researched. I liked the picture that showed the mechanics behind the wave and just how you plan on recreating the perfect wave through engineering and how this can be transformed into a form of art. Thank you for sharing.