WEEK 3 Robotics and Art
The emergence of mass media has altered human history and culture.
The power of mass media originated with the invention of the printing press. For the first time in history, printed works were able to be mass produced and distributed. As the power and importance of movable text became apparent, technologies that could easily distribute information large groups advanced. Each new media technology revolutionized communication and increased the effect media has on society.

Marshall McLuhan believed that the invention of movable type “was the decisive moment in the change from a culture in which all the senses partook of a common interplay to a tyranny of the visual.” McLuhan is referring to how the emergence of media like newspapers, film, radio, and photography shifted our culture to one dominated by visual stimulation. Currently, our culture is completely dominated by visuals. In the past, people experienced things with all of their senses. Today, because of virtual reality, video games, TV, the internet, etc, our culture has become satisfied by only visual stimulation. McLuhan (in the 1960’s) predicted that advancing media technology will eventually create a “global village” where regional cultures are all blended into one common culture connecting the world. Social media, still relatively new, has created this “global village”. Trends, ideas, art, music, and news are now all being shared by billions across the globe instantly by social media; creating a common and global social media culture.
Walter Benjamin was a literary critic in the early 20th century. He was fascinated with the emerging art forms of photography and film. He realized that these new forms or media would eventually develop enough to change the way art is viewed. Benjamin predicted that mechanical reproduction will break down the idea of the authenticity and erode at the aura of art. This means that because art can now be easily and perfectly reproduced, the emphasis on historical value or authenticity of art would degrade. He was correct in his prediction. Modern media technology has made art more of a political or personal statement. This is evidenced by people owning posters of famous photographs. These posters are not original prints, but that does not matter anymore. What matters is the political message or symbolism behind the work, which is exactly what Benjamin predicted.
Lule, Jack. “Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication, v. 1.0.” FlatWorld, catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/bookhub/reader/3833?e=lulemedia_1.0-ch01_s02#lulemedia_1.0-ch00cred. Accessed 21 Apr. 2017.
MacLuhan, Marshall. The medium is the message. Corte Madera, Gingko Pr., 2005.
Benjamin, Walter. The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Lexington, KY, Prism Key Press, 2010.
Walter Benjamin: Art, Aura and Authenticity | Ceasefire ... 14 June 2013, www.bing.com/cr?IG=E9BDA1034D6843CF98984D5E05956C83&CID=18B7C907FCAF6E6B33C5C36BFD3F6FA3&rd=1&h=sRZPOgxUuX0bvGkUdkhRsgbVJO5m8l3yRMEHDrLt_ac&v=1&r=https%3a%2f%2fceasefiremagazine.co.uk%2fwalter-benjamin-art-aura-authenticity%2f&p=DevEx,5079.1. Accessed 21 Apr. 2017.
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Hey Mike! What you had to say about culture in relation to this weeks topic was really interesting! I definitely agree with your statement that nowadays people find most of their pleasure in visual commodities. Whether its a phone, a TV or a tablet, people have increasingly become more attached to the technological advancements that provide visual provocation. Technology and things such as social media definitely allow individuals to become unified as they can share and see each others discoveries all across the world, however it takes away from the live experience of actually being at an artwork or innovation and seeing it for yourself.